I am not a "blogger", just a fan. And this is my way of trying to toss some ideas around. I am not only a fan of movies, but the superhero genre in particular. My only request is that you leave your comments, expressing your opinions and ideas... Let's start a conversation people!
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Jul 19, 2014
Creating Kryptonite
So we can pretty much guestimate that
kryptonite will be used in this new DCU, and possibly even in BvS. But how
should it be represented in this ‘realistic’, ‘grounded’ universe? I have
accumulated a few incarnations as to how this could work. So let’s take a look.
Jul 8, 2014
The Fake BvS: DoJ Script
Well, earlier today, Kevin Smith confirmed that he did not write the "leaked" Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice script. But just in case you still wanted to check it out, the link is below.
Jun 24, 2014
I have found the jackpot! I have a source who has let me see the first 10 pages of a WB screenplay for a (possible) future FLASH film. Now, I am not at liberty to say who. And this version seems to have no author or date, but my source tells me it is a first draft written in late 2012. However, he was not at liberty to tell me the writer. below is a link to the pdf file.
Jun 18, 2014
Atlantean's: The Origin

I'll start by saying upfront, I’m
not a huge Aquaman fan. I had/have a hard time buying him working in this DCU.
So before I begin addressing his origins, let’s start with the negatives the character
will already be facing.
Jun 11, 2014
Amazon's: The Origin
So I have briefly touched on this in the
past, but I want to address it more head on (applied directly to the forehead).
should WW, and for all ‘Amazon’s’ for that matter, be introduced into a
‘realistic’, ‘believable’ DCU? I have listed a few options below, and determined
their pros and cons. And let me just say, this is solely to
discuss her ‘origin’. Not her powers or stupid, useless jet. Just her
birth/introduction to the world. Let’s do it to it.
Jun 7, 2014
Top 5 Greatest CBM Performances
The title says it all. This is my list
of the top 5 best performances we have seen of a character in a CMB. But first,
my honorable mentions.
Jun 6, 2014
Superman’s Suit; Why The Color?
I just have a quick question to pose to
you fine readers. And let me just say, this is probably my most geeked-out
article yet. In Man of Steel, why
exactly is Kal’s suit the color that it is? Now the obvious reason is: “Because
it’s Superman…Duh.” Fair point. But being a super-nerd, I would like to delve
into why this may be. I like to call this ‘The Kryptonion Theory’.
Jun 3, 2014
3 Future Batman Villains
So we know solo Batman films are coming in the next few years. With that in mind, I thought I would compile a list of worthy counterparts for the Caped Crusader. My top 3 villains that I would like to see, and could work very well in this new DCU.
Let me start by saying the greatest foe, Joker, will be reimagined in this universe. So with that in mind, I left him off of this list.
May 19, 2014
Today's Wonder Woman Pt. 2
May 18, 2014
My Trailers
Here are my fan-made trailers for a few DC characters, and their future films. They include a new Green Lantern, Flash, and a couple MOS 2 clips. Below are their links. I claim no ownership towards any of the material. Enjoy.
May 17, 2014
MOS 2 BvS: High Hopes
I have compiled a list of the top 5 things that the Man of Steel sequel (May 6, 2016) could/may do to improve the story. And I will try to go beyond the obvious. Let's dive right into it.
Well first off, let me mention the items left off of the list, simply because they have been speculated so much.
Well first off, let me mention the items left off of the list, simply because they have been speculated so much.
May 10, 2014
Nightwing In The DCU…?

Apr 29, 2014
The Justice League Article
I thought instead of writing several, separate articles about this one major story, I figured I would write one that sums it all up. So let's jump right on in.
Yes, we have all of these wonderful DC/WB announcements coming our way at the moment, but let's just keep one thing in mind... It's only a movie. Now to many/most of us it represents more than just another multi-million dollar film, but at the end of the day it is all just people playing pretend. So let's keep our heads cool. We can debate and have fun with ideas, but let's not get carried away with it all.
Yes, we have all of these wonderful DC/WB announcements coming our way at the moment, but let's just keep one thing in mind... It's only a movie. Now to many/most of us it represents more than just another multi-million dollar film, but at the end of the day it is all just people playing pretend. So let's keep our heads cool. We can debate and have fun with ideas, but let's not get carried away with it all.
Apr 20, 2014
Aborted DC Movie Scripts (Thank goodness they were!)
So we know in the past Warner Bros. has tried, and failed, at several DC property film projects. So below you will find links for a few of these films scripts. Some of you may have heard of the Justice League Movie that was canned only weeks before shooting began. Or the Aborted Superman film that went through a barrage of screen writers, including Kevin Smith, that was going to star Nicholas Cage as Supes, and to be directed by Tim Burton. Or before he co-wrote the 2011 beloved Green Lantern (joke), Michael Goldenberg wrote a Wonder Woman flick. Well I have all of that and more.
Apr 19, 2014
Best News Of MOS 2 So Far
Yes, we know the Man of Steel sequel will feature Batman, Wonder Woman, Lex Luthor, and Alfred. But as awesome as that all is, the latest confirmed news about MOS 2 is the return of composer Hans Zimmer.
Hans has done it all, and is THE name in CBM films today. I contend he should have been nominated for an Oscar for his work in Man of Steel. I actually bought the deluxe version of the MOS soundtrack...it's so good!
And yes Zimmer had previously scored the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy, and had his doubts about returning to the character. But it is official, Zimmer's epic score will continue in MOS!
Let me know what you think about this. Did you like the MOS score? Comment below. Thanks for reading.
Hans has done it all, and is THE name in CBM films today. I contend he should have been nominated for an Oscar for his work in Man of Steel. I actually bought the deluxe version of the MOS soundtrack...it's so good!
And yes Zimmer had previously scored the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight Trilogy, and had his doubts about returning to the character. But it is official, Zimmer's epic score will continue in MOS!
Let me know what you think about this. Did you like the MOS score? Comment below. Thanks for reading.
Jesse Eisenburg as Lex Luthor

Apr 9, 2014
How Nolan Saved & Destroyed the DCU
So as we know, WB/DC is
far behind Marvel in the cinematic universe. We also know that director
Christopher Nolan gave us an amazing Batman trilogy. However, as good as those
films were, they also would become the demise of DC/WB with developing their
own shared DCU. So let’s take a look as
to why.
Apr 8, 2014
How To Obtain Marvel Status
Now, I have mentioned this thorughout several posts. But, I figured since I have only just touched on this subject, why not do a full spread on the issue. We all know that when it comes to the newly established CBM universes, Marvel has the head start. And besides them, there are 3 other major players who want to have the success that Marvel is having. So let's look at what those other companies (Mainly WB) can do to have not only the financial, but critical success the Marvel films are producing.
Apr 5, 2014
New Batman Film Titles
So, we all know that WB has rebooted the character with Batfleck; and that means more stand alone Batman films to come. My question is, what do they title the future films? Given the Batman franchise has used quite a few already. So in this article, I will attempt to give the best possible title(s) for the next solo Bat’s film…5 to be exact.
Mar 31, 2014
Love Interests In Superhero Films
While I think it’s clear I enjoy the occasional SHM (Superhero Movie), there is one aspect that usually takes me out of the experience of the film… The love interest. The standard for nearly most movies, in general, revolve around some sort of love interest right? So why are SHM’s, most of the time, lacking in that department? Well I have a few reasons to why.
After MOS 2?
In a recent interview with the New York Times Kevin Tsujihara, CEO of WB, stated “a film series will be announced in the near future” in regards to DC properties. Mr. Tsujihara has also stated, last September, that they would be announcing 12 to 14 DC projects. However, that includes games, and television series. Many have speculated this means Justice League. Which got me thinking; what is/should happen next, following Man of Steel 2 (May 6, 2016)? Should it even be Justice League? Don’t worry though; I have amassed a list of possible options, and what they would mean for the new DCU, answering the tough questions like: What? When? Solo’s? So let’s dive in.
Mar 25, 2014
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson & The DCU
Earlier today (03/25/14) Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson took to a Q&A on Twitter. And in regards to being a part of the DC cinematic universe (DCU), he stated the following.
“Myself & DC have agreed on a character. Extremely complex, well known (but never played) and a pure BAD ASS MF;) #RockTalk .@ThomasEspin”
Now, I know what your asking yourself... What does it all mean? Well good news chaps, I’m here to help put things into prospective. I see two major questions being brought up. One: What does this mean for DC/WB. And two: Who the hell will he play!? Well, good news baby birds, I just might have the answer.
Mar 24, 2014
Questionable Plot Holes In MOS 2
We all know, in this “real world” tone DC/WB has set, that a few major characteristics of our hero’s are questionable. For instance; the big difference between Clark Kent and Superman is a pair of glasses? And a man with tons of expensive gadgets, who else but Bruce Wayne? In this article, I will add my two cents of how to “realistically” approach these questions.
Mar 18, 2014
Top 5 CBM’s That Changed The Game
I have amassed a list to be what I consider the top 5 most important comic book movies (CBM’s), of all time. These movies are not only considered classics, but paved the way for what is now one of the most successful genres of our time. Let’s jump right in; but first, my honorable mentions.
Mar 17, 2014
Why Do We Expect More From DC/WB?

The 2016 DC vs MARVEL Showdown...?
First of all let me start by saying, though this site mostly covers DC theories and such, I LOVE MARVEL MOVIES. I own every one of the marvel movies on DVD. Even Thor: The Dark World (Which I have many problems with.).
So we know that, as of now, Man of Steel 2 (aka Batman vs. Superman) has the same opening date as Captain America 3 (May 6, 2016). And with all of the praise for Captain America: The Winter Soldier, it’s easy to see how many people are anticipating the third installment. So lets look at the major question surrounding this game of chicken, and the reasons why NONE of it matters in the end.
Feb 17, 2014
How Much Will Man of Steel 2 Make?
So we all know Man of Steel 2 will probably make truck loads of cash, but hhow much exatly? Well I done done a little research to try and determine (as much as I can) how much it will realistically make.
Let me start off by saying none of us KNOW exactly how much dough the MOS sequel will bring in, but it's a safe assumption that it will make bank! I have calculated some similar projects, in regaurds of their anticipation, return, and reviews, and have come up with a few numbers.
Let me start off by saying none of us KNOW exactly how much dough the MOS sequel will bring in, but it's a safe assumption that it will make bank! I have calculated some similar projects, in regaurds of their anticipation, return, and reviews, and have come up with a few numbers.
Jan 30, 2014
Lantern and Flash Team-Up Movie
What is comming after Man of Steel 2? Justice League? Batman or Wonder Woman spin-off's? I say nay. I say there is one simlpe answer to this conundrum... A Green Lantern and Flash dual origin/team-up movie! Now I know what you're thinking, "Why? How? When!?". In time all answers will be brought forward.
Jan 28, 2014
Todays Wonder Woman
I love the Wonder Woman character. And if you don't know much about the awesome Amazonian, check out the WB animated film Wonder Woman. It's a good watch. So the main point of this post is to discuss the do's and do not's of presenting the Warrior Princess in todays big screen adaptation. Lets begin.
Jan 27, 2014
Why Ben Affleck is the Perfect Batman
I love the Flash character, (And for all purposes it is Barry Allen.) whitty, friendly, and always that needed comic releaf. I even like how they have handled it on the rendition they established on the CW show ARROW (Which is truly awesome!). And with the possibility of the character coming to the big screen, many questions have surfaced. For example...
I have seen many ideas, in their own right, for who should play the Scarlet Speedster, and I have to say MOST people have it wrong. Not that Chrise Pine, or Bradley Cooper wouldn't be great, however I KNOW FOR A FACT who will be playing the part.
I have seen many ideas, in their own right, for who should play the Scarlet Speedster, and I have to say MOST people have it wrong. Not that Chrise Pine, or Bradley Cooper wouldn't be great, however I KNOW FOR A FACT who will be playing the part.
Handling New Green Lantern Movie
Hello. So this is my first crack at this, please be gentle and thank you for reading. I do not consider myself a "blogger", just want to spread some thoughts. Enter the internet. I am most likeley going to take the important issues of our lifes. No, not the debt crisis, or immigration. No, the important things like: "Why Ben Affleck is a great choice for Batman", or "Handling a new Green Lantern movie". Which is how I begin this segment.
So the 2011 Green Lantern movie was a financial and critical "bomb". And in case you didn't know, that movie lost Warner Bros. and DC over $100 million. Now, I myself actually like the film, though I admit it's flaws. Lets jump into it!
So the 2011 Green Lantern movie was a financial and critical "bomb". And in case you didn't know, that movie lost Warner Bros. and DC over $100 million. Now, I myself actually like the film, though I admit it's flaws. Lets jump into it!
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