I'll start by saying upfront, I’m
not a huge Aquaman fan. I had/have a hard time buying him working in this DCU.
So before I begin addressing his origins, let’s start with the negatives the character
will already be facing.
Negatives: The Name
The name. “Aquaman”… It’s ridiculous.
True just as ridiculous as “Superman” or “Batman”, but there is a key difference
here. Aquaman isn’t nearly as popular as those guys. And hearing those names
aloud sound very questionable. This is one reason why we only hear “Superman” thrice
in MOS. And Nolan knew “The Batman” sounded less ludicrous. But I digress.
I would not be surprised if we never even
hear the term “Aquaman” or “Wonder Woman” or many other names for that matter. But
it really isn’t that big of a deal. Just give me a good to great story and I’m
happy. I mean how many times did we hear “Iron Man” or Captain America” in
The Avengers? Less than a handful, and no one even noticed. Just call them by their
‘ames. And Call Aquaman ‘King Arthur’.
Negatives: Powers
Now I am not a comic book reader. But
recently I read a New 52 Aquaman comic to see how ‘realistic’ and ‘grounded’ he
could be. And there is a part in the comic where he goes to a sea food restaurant
for lunch. And there are people who are like “WHAT!?” People start bringing up
the fact that people make fun of him, and he has been the butt of many jokes.
The even refer to an SNL bit, and say that people “don’t think of him as a real
superhero”. I thought this was very interesting.
During this scene they are like; “Why
are you here, don’t you talk to fish?”. And he says, “I don’t talk to fish!
Fish are too stupid to carry a conversation. I simply tap into their membrane
and push them to help”. I am paraphrasing a bit, but that’s pretty much it. I
thought, ok, I suppose that would be the best way to explain it realistically. So
I have a feeling this new incarnation will be less ‘fishy’ and more ‘royal’ in
his persona.
Now, other than the fish, he is strong,
agile, and quick. The depths of the sea have made in ‘super’ above the water.
That works for me. And he can swim fast and has marine telepathy... Ok, I can
buy it I guess. Although they would have to only do those occasionally, because
seeing it too often would get more outlandish each time. Just go watch that
awful Aquaman short film with Justin Hartley; you’ll see what I’m talking
Negatives: The Costume
I'll keep this short. His costume, any incarnation, is stupid. He is a King, dress him royally. Give him garments for just chilling out with the dolphins,and then battle attire. Boom.
Ok, so with that out of the way, let’s
look at a few ways Snyder and Goyer could introduce him and his people
(Atlantis) to our world.
The Comic Book Theory
The gist is Arthur’s dad is a lighthouse
keeper, and his mom is a member of the Atlantean Royal family. At 13 or
something Arthur is introduced to his Atlantean half of his life, when his
mother killed. There he fights off that bad guys and claims his right as King.
It’s the original origin.
It’s kind of ridiculous.
The Bermuda Triangle Theory
This idea was also in that self-titled
Aquaman short. If you haven’t seen it, basically their explanation as to why
people haven’t found Atlantis is because their technology is so advanced, that
even the best of our radars and satellites can’t pick it up. And this has
become known as the reason behind the Bermuda Triangle.
Now, just give me a second to just riff
here. On the other side of the world near Japan, is another anomaly just like
the Bermuda Triangle. It is referred to as the Devil's Sea, or the Dragon
Triangle. Same stuff, but near Japan. What if they go with this theory for
Atlantis… and Themoscryia? I mean they could change it up a bit, but two birds
one plot device.
It is a viable option that could easily make sense too many people. The two birds
It is a little un-original, not a cop out, but not a
gem of an idea either. I get Atlantis is this ‘mystical’ place hidden for
centuries, but that sort of end the debate right there doesn’t it? I mean
Atlantis was a place, just like the rest of the world. So centuries ago their
tech was still many, MANY years more advance than what we would have today? A
little shaky.
The Civil War Theory (My Theory)
I get this is a little dicey for some
fans, but hear me out. Realistically, the lost city of Atlantis is a tad absurd. So, what if
they introduce this civilization as they do Wonder Woman and the Amazon's? If
you read my “Amazon’s Origin” article, then you know my idea of how they could
be introduced. So what if, the Atlantians are actually Amazons, or vice versa?
For example, this alien race lands on earth thousands of years ago, and they
have very similar reactions to our atmosphere as Kal-El has. (Ergo: "Gods")
After a civil war, the race is broken
into two sides. The leaders agree too not only stay out of each other’s way, but
also from humanities; due to differentiating ideologies. In this, (most) women
go to ‘Themoscryia’ while (most) men go to ‘Atlantis’. And p.s., I don’t mean
this to be a men vs woman thing. But since Themoscryia is mostly women, having
most of the men leave just makes more sense. I can see like a 70-30 ratio for
It could bring tension between King Arthur and Princess Diana, making for a more in-depth
plot device. Again, the two bird’s thing.
It is a large departure of the well-known origin. This
would mean ‘Atlantis’ isn’t really Atlantis, just the name; but that’s what
most people care about right? Now there are TWO alien civilizations that have
been hidden from the world? Come on.
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