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May 17, 2014

MOS 2 BvS: High Hopes

I have compiled a list of the top 5 things that the Man of Steel sequel (May 6, 2016) could/may do to improve the story. And I will try to go beyond the obvious. Let's dive right into it.

Well first off, let me mention the items left off of the list, simply because they have been speculated so much.
1) Bruce helps Clark realize that killing isn't the answer.

2) People are divided when it comes to "Superman".

3) Kryptonite. We will get it. We got the aerosol form in MOS, we will get the physical stuff in MOS 2.

Now, the top 5 items I would like to see developed.

1)  Lexcorp vs. Wayne Ent.

We need some angle to help pit Bruce against Lex, and how is it not through their companies? Sure, they can band together with one another to help build Metropolis, but that doesn't make them friends,

2) Clark and Louis

Now, I myself am not a fan of the forced relationships in CBM's, but if we have it, then develop it. And don't make them gaga in love. I want to see some differences in ideals. I mean sure, let them fall for each other, but they are two different people with different ideals. Don't be afraid to let that show.

3) Man of Steel Sequel

I loved MOS, and would like to see a continuation of the character. Now, I know the others need there screen time (i.e. Bat's and Lex...) but I would like a Superman centric story. And I think it will be.

4) Ma' Kent

I felt like the "Mother's" in MOS were under appreciated. I know the main story was Kal/Clark has two fathers with two ideals, but I loved the mom's in MOS. Just think about it. Everyone wants to hang with Supes, and that includes mommy. You don't thinks she is interested in her son saving the world?

5) A Realistic Enemy

In MOS, it all made sense as to why Zod and his crew came to Earth. And lets face it, as classic as the original Superman movies are, the story lacks. So I don't want Lex and/or whomever to be the bad guy, just for the sake of them being a bad guy. We have all heard what makes a good villain, is the fact that to them, they are the hero. In film, the story comes first. If Lex is a good guy in this movie, then fine. As long as the story is good, and it makes sense. And I trust Goyer, Snyder, and Terrio.

Well, there you have it. Let me know some plot points you would like to see brought up or mentioned for BvS. Comment below. Thanks for reading.

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