What is comming after Man of Steel 2? Justice League? Batman or Wonder Woman spin-off's? I say nay. I say there is one simlpe answer to this conundrum... A Green Lantern and Flash dual origin/team-up movie! Now I know what you're thinking, "Why? How? When!?". In time all answers will be brought forward.
This is a simple one. Why would DC/WB want to try and tackle this big of a task? Especially after the 2011 Green Lantern box-office and critical bomb. Well it comes down to three factors.
ONE: This project, done right, would help wash out the bad taste most people have left over from thier last GL attempt. And with the boost of a Barry Allen (The Flash), people would be antsy to see the new Hal (yes this would mean a GL reboot) in pre-JLA action.
TWO: Making two origin stories in one flick would save WB a lot of money. Also, since we allready had a GL origin film before, we wouldn't need to spend that much time on that aspect. And lets face it, at the end of the day Flash just runs fast. Even if the movie didn't make tons and tons of dollars, it would help soften the blow, since this is essential two movies for the price of one.
THREE: And the final reason is a combination. This would help WB and DC differ from what exactly Marvel is/has been doing. We will have a Batman/Superman movie soon, why not the Emrald Guardian and Scarlet Speedster? And the most obvious ponit...OT WOULD BE AWESOME!
We have all heard the rumors of WB pushing back MOS 2, so they can film JLA with it. Why that makes sense and has some validity to it, it is still just a theory. My idea is to have this GL/Flash team up after MOS 2. That way we don't have GL and Flash "randomly" thrown into the mix. And this could help build suspense and excitement toward a future JLA movie. Thanks for reading and let me know what you think.
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