The “Whys”
The first thing to ask ourselves is “Why/How is Marvel so much ahead?” Well this one is fairly simple; and essentially it comes down to one man…Kevin Feige. Feige is the President over at Marvel, and is often nick-named “The Godfather” of the Marvel cinematic universe. He has been a producer on every Marvel film, and responsible for mapping out the entire franchise. Let’s put it this way, he and team have everything ready and planned for then next three to four years in advance. HE IS THE MAN! For a long time, people put Christopher Nolan in this position over at WB, put it was only a fan assessment.
Marvel is ahead because of one reason…They make good movies. Feige has not only consistently helped develop entertaining and fun stories, but has set the bar very high for others expectations. As it stands DC/WB doesn’t really have one of these people yet. Not that they need to, but it is true they need some one (or group) to help keep everything in line. Just keep in mind that it is still very early in WB’s newly established universe.
The other main thing keeping DC/WB at bay is…Familiarity. The reason why Marvel is so hot and people still aren’t too hard on them is because most of the movie going audience has no clue to who the characters are; thus making our opinions and expectations, lessened. I mean Guardians of The What?
Look at the original Superman film. The first big budget superhero film franchise. Not only did it spawn 3 sequels, but the first couple, received very little criticism. A beloved classic. Then Wonder Woman. The 1970’s TV series is held to many as a time where young boys found there lady love. The show ran for several seasons and many years of reruns. Yet again, another classic. Finally…The Batman. Not only a money printing machine for WB, but many polls around the internet have proven that The Dark Knight is the most popular superhero EVER! This only strengthened by the Nolan Films. These beloved characters are not only childhood memories, but apart of who they are.
The final reason, I’ve concluded, is tone. When you look at Marvel’s movies, they all say one thing. “Let’s have fun!” They have not only successfully set a tone that is action packed, realistic, and most of all a jolly ‘ole good time. They have cracked the code for the humorous element in their films. Where as DC, on the other hand, has stuck with this grittier, for real-zees feel. We’ve seen this in the Dark Knight Trilogy, and most recently in the magnum opus that is Man of Steel.
Now obviously these reasons are all in my opinion. But I feel they have some president as too why we seem to more critical towards our DC heroes. And I hope in the future, when DC/WB gets this new universe firmly on its feet, that we will look towards their projects as we do Marvel now…with excitement, trust, and practical expectations.
Thanks for reading, comment below. Do you hold the same expectations to DC/WB as you do Marvel/Disney?
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