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Apr 5, 2014

New Batman Film Titles

So, we all know that WB has rebooted the character with Batfleck; and that means more stand alone Batman films to come. My question is, what do they title the future films? Given the Batman franchise has used quite a few already. So in this article, I will attempt to give the best possible title(s) for the next solo Bat’s film…5 to be exact.
Already Used Titles

Batman The Movie - (1966) The first live action film for the Batman franchise; eradicated from the television show.
Starring: Adam West

Batman – (1989) The first “dark” version of the character.
Starring: Michael Keaton

Batman Returns – (1992) The sequel to the 1989 film, and the last to be directed by Tim Burton.
Starring: Michael Keaton

Batman Forever – (1995) Though it was a whole new cast and director, this more colorful interpretation was the third installment.
Starring: Val Kilmer

Batman & Robin – (1997) Often referred to as the “Bat-Nipples” film. This movie not only killed Batman for nearly a decade, but all CBM’s until 2000.
Starring: George Clooney

Batman Begins – (2005) The rebirth of the character and first film in the epic Nolan trilogy.
Starring: Christian Bale

The Dark Knight – (2008) Arguably the best CBM of all time, and undoubtedly the greatest CBM performance of all time, with Health Ledger’s Joker. And the fist title to break from having “Batman” in the title.
Starring: Christian Bale

The Dark Knight Rises – The ending of the Nolan trilogy, and the all time highest grossing worldwide box office return of the Batman franchise.
Starring: Christian Bale

New Titles

Now, obviously one route is to go the way just adding something after “Batman” (i.e. Batman Forever). However, I am not going in that direction.

5) Caped Crusader – “The” could be optional at the beginning.
In Nolan’s second film, they moved away from having “Batman” in the title. A first for the big screen films. Now, since Batman is easily the most popular superhero ever, and the fact there have been several films with the name in the title, it is easy to understand why they did this. With that in mind, we could essential do it again, with another popular nick name.

4) Arkham Knight
This title says just enough in the title that we all know what it’s referring too. And though “Knight” was a part of the title in two of the Nolan films, I think the audience will be clever enough to differentiate. The only real issue here, is that I belive a few games run with this title.

3) Gotham Knight
Now, “Gotham” alone would be cool, but let’s not forget the new TV show coming to Fox with the same name. Same kind of reasoning with title #4.

2) Wayne
Now, this one is a curveball. Up until now, all of the titles are a reflection of the Batman charter. But why not throw everybody off with this doozy. Be the break in the pattern, giving us a title that reflects the man rather than the bat.

1) The Batman
As he is often referred to, this title is classic enough to the point that…well…it’s Batman. But, new and different enough to let the audience know that it’s a new take/franchise. This is my personal favorite, and I feel it is a valid option for WB/DC to consider.

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