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Apr 8, 2014

How To Obtain Marvel Status

Now, I have mentioned this thorughout several posts. But, I figured since I have only just touched on this subject, why not do a full spread on the issue. We all know that when it comes to the newly established CBM universes, Marvel has the head start. And besides them, there are 3 other major players who want to have the success that Marvel is having. So let's look at what those other companies (Mainly WB) can do to have not only the financial, but critical success the Marvel films are producing.

Sony owns the entire Spiderman cannon. And by "owns", I am referring to the live action film rights. Even though it is only this one character's lore, they own all villains as well. Now obviously Spidey is Marvel, and Marvel does get a small profit of the earnings it receives at the box office. There is also a clause in the contracts that state if Sony isn't in production on a new Spiderman based film (I believe it's with in 5 years), then all the rights relapses back to Marvel. This is why we had the latest The Amazing Spiderman reboot in such a short time after the original trilogies end. This is also why Sony has already announced The Amazing Spiderman 3, 4, a Sinister 6, AND Venom solo film in the upcoming years.

By announcing these titles, Sony has done one of the most important elements to getting to that high status Marvel has set. Having faith in the character. This is where many fans like to criticize on WB.

Fox owns the Fantastic Four and X-Men. Now they also fall under similar negotiations with Marvel as dose Sony, with the exception of Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch. Now, we all know both of these characters will appear in Avengers Age of Ultron, and Quicksilver will be in X-Men Days of Future Past. Confusing to many, but that's the way it is. And given the fact Fox owns every other aspect towards X-Men, that means Marvel can't even acknowledge the fact the they are children of the character Magneto, OR even the phrase "mutant".

Now, we know the X-Men franchise has been strong since 2000, and they have the F4 reboot coming next year (2015). We also know X-Men Age of Apocalypse is coming 2016, and it's no secret that Fox wants to have a shared universe as well. Which may come from the future dates Fox has announced.

Now to the main attraction. The benefit EB has with it's DC properties is that they own all of their characters. And though many Marvel fans want their other properties to go back to Marvel, I say NAY. This way we get 3-4 Marvel films a year. And good ones mostly. Anyway, WB has a few hurtles they need to jump through to be where Marvel is now. Now, DC shouldn't cut and paste everything Marvel has done, but it breaks down into 3 main categories.

1) Make quality films. Simple right? Well making a good film is a lot harder than most people make it out to be. That said, I feel DC has made some great films. Most recently, they kicked off their shared universe with Man of Steel, and it's sequel is hitting theaters 05/06/16, which will include Batman, Wonder Woman, and Lex Luthor. Now, I have faith in WB to make more quality films, but only time will tell.

2) Have faith in yourself. Like I stated before, most of the complaints from fans have came from this phrase. For example, they announced MOS 2 at Comic-Con, but then its pushed bask 10 months...come on. Now, WB might be playing it all very close to the chest, and have it all mapped out like Kevin Feige and Marvel, but as far as WE know, the plans don't go past MOS 2.

3) "Teasing". Now, Marvel has made the post and mid credits scenes a staple in there films, but that's not what I'm referring too. Now, obviously Marvel didn't start the after credits scene, but they have made it infamous with Marvel films. However, what I am talking about are "easter eggs". References to other DC properties with upcoming info. Now, MOS had tons of eggs, but the only ones that could lead to the future (Now MOS 2) were the Lex Corp and Wayne Enterprises logos. These were helpful and more in place references could help catapult WB to the next level.

Now for one reason or another WB, Sony, nor Fox have recruited me for their CBM projects. Weird I know. And I'm sure that they all have an idea of what they want for their future. Let's just be glad and hopeful as fans that the studios are not stupid people and will continue to bring us entertaining films. Let me know what you think: What should WB, or Sony, or Fox do to make a better/ stronger shared universe? Thanks for reading.

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