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May 10, 2014

Nightwing In The DCU…?

With any movie, especially a Batman vs Superman movie, its inevitable that rumors spread like wildfire. So I am going to address one that has fans split down the middle. And for good reason. The presence, or lack thereof, of Nightwing. And even though the RUMOR is he may be a part of this new DCU, I am going to address the pros and cons of the character. But first, who is Nightwing?

The Origin

The character has had some incarnations in the past, but the definitive NW is Dick Grayson. As a young boy, Dick was a member of the circus act “The Flying Grayson’s”, in which he and his family were flying trapeze performers. *Spoilers, but his whole family dies mid-act. Orphaned, he is adopted by Bruce Wayne. He is trained and becomes Robin. Then as he becomes older, and his own man, he becomes Nightwing. A superhero in his own right.

Why It Works

The dynamic between Bruce and Dick is one of the best. Not only a hero and sidekick, but a father and son. The character was portrayed (Though as Robin) in the Schumacher Batman films by Chis O’Donnell. But let’s move on from that shall we.

I myself love this character, and I feel his uniform is kick-ass. There is a moment in the comic books where Bruce breaks his back, and needs someone to take over the mantle of the Bat until he is better. And instead of turning to Dick, he goes to someone else. Now I mention this because of the part where Dick and Bruce are going back and forth and the conversation is something like this:

DICK – “Why didn’t you come to me when you needed help?”

BRUCE – “I guess it’s just hard for a father…” something or other.

The point is, it’s a really cool story dynamic. But this relationship isn’t perfect.

Why It Doesn’t Work

Nightwing works in the movie universe, sure. However, Robin DOES NOT! In the comics and cartoons, fine, but in a live action film… Not a chance. Nolan knew that, and that’s why, from the beginning, he said there will be no Robin in his DCU. And so we’re clear, Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s role (John Blake) was NOT Robin. That was just a “tip of the hat to the fans”. The point is Robin doesn’t work in a live action film, and Nightwing becomes from being Robin. Just think about it, Batman taking a child to fight criminals? I mean that outfit alone is a joke.

How To Make It Work

So, in summation, Nightwing = Yes. Robin = No. Robin + Time = Nightwing… It’s a pickle. Many have said “Why not just have Robin be older?” Ok, well let’s think about that. Even if he is like 16, 17, even 18 when he is Robin, than what’s the point? I mean if he is that old when he gets adopted, than it’s like he’s not even Bruce’s son. Just a free loader for a couple of years. And still, Batman taking  a 16, 17 year old kid out to fight hardened criminals with his bare hands; Let alone a 12, 13 year old? Really? It doesn’t work.

However, I think I have a way to make it work, and keep the father/son dynamic. What if, Wayne takes in Dick when he is like 12, 13 or so… (Sorry I’m immature, had to take a sec.) and Dick doesn’t even find out that he is Batman for several years. So a 17, 18 year old Grayson finds out Bruce’s secret, but doesn’t tell Bruce. So one night, Dick follows Bruce out into the night, and whilst betting up thugs; out pops Dick…(Sorry another moment.) Dick wants to help, but Bruce will have none of it. He takes him home, sets him down and tells him he can NEVER do that again. But Dick is stubborn…(I really need to grow up)  A year or so later, Dick moves out, and becomes Nightwing. BOOM! Not only do we keep the father/son aspect, but we get that tension between them.
I would love to see Nightwing in this DCU, but only if it’s done right and works in a live action setting. But, for some reason, DC doesn’t hire me as a consultant. Go figure. So we will just have to wait and see how WB/DC handle it in the future. But let me know what you think; Do you like the Nightwing character? How could it work in a live action film? Comment below. Thanks for reading.

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