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May 19, 2014

Today's Wonder Woman Pt. 2

So in in the first "Today's Wonder Woman" article, I raised a few questions and theories about the Wonder Woman character. But then I thought to myself, what about Diana Prince? WW's alter ego. How should she be treated in this new DCU adaptation? Let's take a look shall we.

May 18, 2014

My Trailers

Here are my fan-made trailers for a few DC characters, and their future films. They include a new Green Lantern, Flash, and a couple MOS 2 clips. Below are their links. I claim no ownership towards any of the material. Enjoy.

May 17, 2014

MOS 2 BvS: High Hopes

I have compiled a list of the top 5 things that the Man of Steel sequel (May 6, 2016) could/may do to improve the story. And I will try to go beyond the obvious. Let's dive right into it.

Well first off, let me mention the items left off of the list, simply because they have been speculated so much.

May 10, 2014

Nightwing In The DCU…?

With any movie, especially a Batman vs Superman movie, its inevitable that rumors spread like wildfire. So I am going to address one that has fans split down the middle. And for good reason. The presence, or lack thereof, of Nightwing. And even though the RUMOR is he may be a part of this new DCU, I am going to address the pros and cons of the character. But first, who is Nightwing?